Longue Vue House and Gardens, somewhat of a hidden New Orleans treasure, is where J. Pierre is working to challenge old notions while expanding his art network. His inspiration from the grounds translate in his art as an opportunity for the viewer to look at the national historic landmark from a global perspective.

Artscape at Girbarlter Point in Canada is where J. Pierre explored the synergy between artistic practice, experimenting with new mediums and one of his other passions, cooking exquisite cuisine.

For J. Pierre, Futuro Verde in Costa Rica was a program that addressed global issues related to social justice and intercultural relations that coexist in the pura vida environment.

J. Pierre was selected from a global competition as one of four artists to participate in the Alchemy program at Gamli Skolki in Iceland, where he explored his artistic abilities from a true corner of the world.

The Ogden Museum of Southern Art selected J. Pierre to teach the next generation of artists at his alma mater.

The Houma Terrebonne Arts and Humanities Council provided cultural stories and inspired J. Pierre to experiment with an impressionistic technique in his pieces.

At the Greater New Orleans Arts Partners & Community Works J. Pierre developed a stronger understanding of the relationship between design components and techniques.